Other than what we brought, I ate a potato knish, some kasha varnishkes (bowties with buckwheat), and a stuffed grape leaf. Not very traditional to the holiday but it was OK.
Here was our table. We wanted to keep it simple and clean so my aunt did not have to clean up.
I thought my mom's veggies looked really good. They tasted good too.
EW, gross. But people did like the chicken.
Then there was dessert from our family bakery. Follow us on Twitter: @MindysDesserts or become a fan on facebook.
This is a Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie which I could not eat due to the cheese.
Apple Cranberry Pie.
Birthday cake for my Bubby since it was her Birthday.
Blueberry pie, which I did eat and enjoy.
It was a fun and very tasty night. It was nice to have all the cousins in one place. I don't think we have been all together for about 3 years. Unfortunately, we forgot to take a picture of all of us. But here are a few fun family pictures.
My sister.
3 generations! Me, my Bubby, and my mom.
Two generations! My Zayda and my cousin.
A word about my Bubby and Zayda: They are the best! My Zayda just turned 89 and he is a reader of this blog, we instant message and email all the time, and he is soon going to join facebook. My Bubby just turned 82. She tells the best family stories from her childhood and her teaching days.
And, to end the post, a picture of my aunt bringing the cake to my Bubby for her birthday.
All in all, a good holiday!
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