Fist we had to make the dumplings. We mixed vegan butter with flour, and baking powder. We mixed this until it crumbled. We had to clear off the table in our living room to have enough space to roll out the dough for the dumplings. I am sorry to say the table is back to all clutter.
Kneading the dough was a little messy.
Then Jay rolled it out.
Meanwhile, I began to chop the vegetables. I was really excited to use my new chopper. We were going to use more carrots, onion, and celery, than the recipe called for, so it was going to be a big job.
But the chopper proved more difficult than I had expected. I had to use a lot of muscle.
The onion we used was CRAZY! It was so strong. It was a spanish onion. I was crying my eyes out.
Even my sister, in another room, not helping, was affected by the onion.
After all was chopped, Jay put the onions, celery and some vegan butter in a saucepan and sauteed it until soft. He added flour to make a paste. He then put the mixture in boiling vegetable stock. I didn't get a picture of this step because I was busy chopping carrots. After stirring the mixture, we added the carrots and some fake chicken or "chikin." We used traditionally flavored Seitan, the blue box.
Then Jay stirred the pot.
I took over stirring while Jay cut up the dumplings and started bringing them over to go into the soup.
I was amazed that my sister helped with this part! I think she just wanted us to be done so she could eat it!
(I couldn't get this picture to rotate, but I think this way it emphasizes the craziness of the occurrence. Bizarre!)
My kitchen was a little small for this project and being that I wasn't familiar with the recipe, I didn't plan right. As a result we had a little accident with the cutting board and the stove.
It just melted a little. I always like to clean up right away. So I started on the dishes while the soup simmered.
We didn't know how we were going to get the flour off the table without getting it all over the floor and carpet. So I came up with a very effective method. I used the spatula to push the flour onto tin foil and then wrapped up the tin foil and threw it away. Very clean and easy.
The soup was so thick!!
It was a big project. But I had help. So it wasn't one bowl wonder.
It wasn't even two bowl wonder.
It was THREE bowl wonder!!! My sister, Jay and I all enjoyed the soup. It was hearty and delicious.
And very filling.
What a fun night cooking with friends!
I recreated the soup this snowy day because I was in the mood for something hearty. This time I wanted to make it a little easier. So I got pre-chopped onions, celery, and carrots. A little more expensive but totally worth the time and energy. I also used a baking sheet to roll the dumpling dough so I didn't have to clean off the table. I also put a little more broth in this one so it was not SO thick.
I was able to avoid melting any kitchen equipment this time, too. It is really a very yummy soup.
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