I was stuck on what to eat for lunch yesterday, so I looked in my fridge (it was all very much like the show Chopped on the Food Network--What do I have to work with?). I had some avocado, cilantro, and tomato. I was going to use the cilantro to add to that chipotle pepper sauce I made but never did. So with those ingredients I of course made Guacamole. I used avocado, tomato, chili powder, garlic, powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, fresh cilantro, and lime. I could have used fresher ingredients but I was working with what I had in my pantry just like on Chopped.
I have had better Guacamole, for sure. But this did the job and it was a very satsfying, if not thrown together, way to fill my one plate for lunch yesterday.
Here is the Guacamole and the plate waiting for it.

And here is my lunch.

I'm no Rick Bayless, Top Chef Master, but I thought it came out pretty tasty.
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